#1 613 Laws of Moses Codified by Maimonides

Edited By William Randolph


There are 248 positive commandments in the Law. These are what God told the Israelites to do. Each positive commandment begins with a “P,” which stands for positive.


The 248 Positive Commandments (the Do’s)


P 1 Exodus 20:2 – Believe that Yahweh is God.

P 2 Deuteronomy 6:4 – Believe there is only one God.

P 3 Deuteronomy 6:5 – Love God!

P 4 Deuteronomy 6:13 – Fear God!

P 5 Exodus 23:25; Deuteronomy 11:13; 13:5 Serve God!

P 6 Deuteronomy 10:20 – Hold fast to God!

P 7 Deuteronomy10:20 – Take your oaths only in God's Name

P 8 Deuteronomy 28:9 – Walk in obedience to Yahweh!

P 9 Leviticus22:32 – Keep the Name of Yahweh holy!



P 10 Deuteronomy 6:7 – Teach your children the commandments on all occasions!

P 11 Deuteronomy 6:7 – Study and Teach the Law!

P 12 Deuteronomy 6:8 – Bind the laws on your head!

P 13 Deuteronomy 6:8 – Bind the laws on your hands!

P 14 Numbers 15:38 – Make tassels on the corners of your garments!

P 15 Deuteronomy 6:9 – Write the laws on your door posts and gates!

P 16 Deuteronomy 31:10-12 – Read the Law every 7th year to the people!

P 17 Deuteronomy 17:18 – Kings: write your personal copy of the Law!

P 18 Deuteronomy 31:19 – Write, teach, and memorize the song of Deuteronomy 32!

P 19 Deuteronomy 8:10 – Thank, bless, and praise God after meals!



P 20 Exodus 25:8 – Build a dwelling place for Yahweh among you!

P 21 Leviticus 19:30 – Respect Yahweh’s sanctuary!

P 22 Numbers 18:3, 4 – Guard Yahweh’s sanctuary against unlawful persons!

P 23 Numbers 18:23 – Cause Levites to suffer for improper work in the Sanctuary!

P 24 Exodus 30:19 – Priests, wash your hands and feet at the Laver!

P 25 Exodus 27:21 – Priests, keep the candlestick burning!

P 26 Numbers 6:23 – Priests, bless the Israelites with this blessing!

P 27 Exodus 25:30 – Priests, keep the bread on the table always!

P 28 Exodus 30:7 – Aaron, burn incense on the altar every morning!

P 29 Leviticus 6:12, 13 – Priests, keep the fire burning on the altar perpetually!

P 30 Leviticus 6:10, 11 – Priests, wear linen when removing altar ashes!

P 31 Numbers 5:2 – Israelites, keep unclean persons from the camp!

P 32 Leviticus 21:8 – Treat the priests as holy!

P 33 Exodus 28:2 – Moses: make sacred garments for Aaron!

P 34 Numbers 7:9 – Kohathites: Carry holy things on your shoulders & need no ox carts!

P 35 Exodus 30:31 – Keep holy anointing oil to consecrate the priests!

P 36 Deuteronomy 18:6-8 – Let a new resident Levite share in the benefits!

P 37 Leviticus 21:2-3 – Levites must not make themselves unclean for most relatives!

P 38 Leviticus 21:13 – The High Priest must only marry a virgin!



P 39 Numbers 28:3 – Israelites: Offer two yearling lambs each day as burnt offering!

P 40 Leviticus 6:13 – The fire on the burnt altar must never be extinguished!

P 41 Numbers 28:9, 10 – Offer two extra lambs on the Sabbath Day as burnt offering!

P 42 Numbers 28:11 – Each first of month offer extra burnt offerings!

P 43 Leviticus 23:36 – On the 8th day of the Feast of Weeks present a food offering!

P 44 Leviticus 23:10 – Give a sheaf of grain to the priest to wave as first fruits offering!

P 45 Numbers 28:26 – Do no regular work on First Fruits!

P 46 Leviticus 23:17 – Bring two loaves to YHWH on Pentecost!

P 47 Numbers 29:1-2 – Sound trumpets and make offerings on the Feast of Trumpets!

P 48 Numbers 29:7-8 – Rest and present offerings on the Day of Atonement!

P 49 Leviticus 16 – Obey all the sixteenth chapter of Leviticus about offerings!

P 50 Numbers 29:13 – Present food offerings on the Feast of Tabernacles!

P 51 Numbers 29:36 – Present offerings on the 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles!

P 52 Exodus 23:14 – Celebrate 3 yearly Feasts by going to the Temple!

P 53 Deuteronomy 16:16 - Appear before YAHWEH with offerings at the 3 feasts!

P 54 Deuteronomy – Rejoice at the Feast of Booths!

P 55 Exodus – Slaughter the Passover Lamb on the 14th day of Nisan!

P 56 Exodus – Eat the roasted Passover Lamb the same night!

P 57 Numbers 9:11 – Eat the Lamb at twilight!

P 58 Numbers 9:11 – Eat the Lamb with unleavened bread & bitter herbs!

P 59 Numbers 10:9-10 – Sound trumpets as prayer when defending your own land!

P 60 Leviticus 22:27 – A calf may not be offered if it is less than 8 days old!

P 61 Leviticus 22:21 – Offer to Yahweh only unblemished sacrifices!

P 62 Leviticus 2:13 – Season all your grain offerings with salt!

P 63 Leviticus 1:2 – Bring burnt offering from either the herd or from the flock!

P 64 Leviticus 6:24 – The sin offering is most holy!

P 65 Leviticus 7:1 – The guilt offering is most holy!

P 66 Leviticus 3:1 – The fellowship offering must be without blemish!

P 67 Leviticus 2:1 – The grain offering is to be of the finest flour!

P 68 Leviticus 4:13 – Offer for unintentional national sin! 

P 69 Leviticus 4:27 – Offer for unintentional sin by bringing a female goat!

P 70 Leviticus 5:17 – Bring a sin offering for unknown unintentional sin!

P 71 Leviticus 5:15 – Bring an offering for sinning against Yahweh’s holy things!

P 72 Leviticus 5:7, 11 – Bring offerings that you can afford!

P 73 Numbers 5:6-7 – Confess sin and make restitution for wrongs!

P 74 Leviticus 15:13 – Offerings must be brought to cleanse a man with a discharge!

P 75 Leviticus 15:28 – Offerings must be brought to cleanse a woman with a discharge! 

P 76 Leviticus 12:6 – Offerings must be brought by a woman after childbirth!

P 77 Leviticus 14:10 – Offerings must be brought by a cleansed leper!

P 78 Leviticus 27:32 – Bring one out of every ten of your cattle!

P 79 Exodus 13:2 – Consecrate all your firstborn to YAHWEH, whether man or beast!

P 80 Exodus 13:13 – Redeem the First-Born of man! 

P 81 Exodus 13:13 – Redeem the firstborn of every donkey with a lamb!

P 82 Exodus 13:13 – Break the neck of your firstborn donkey if you do not redeem it.

P 83 Deuteronomy 12:5, 6 – Bring all tithes, offerings, sacrifices & gifts to Yahweh!

P 84 Deuteronomy 12:14 – Bring all offerings only to the sanctuary!

P 85 Deuteronomy 12:11 – Bring all offerings from outside Israel to the sanctuary!

P 86 Leviticus 27:13 – Add one fifth to redeem a blemished sanctified animal offering!

P 87 Leviticus 27:33 – Tithe animals must be objectively selected!

P 88 Leviticus 6:16 – Priests, eat the remainder of the grain offering without yeast!

P 89 Exodus 29:33 Only priests may eat the meat of their consecration offerings.

P 90 Leviticus 7:19 Burn holy offerings that become unclean.

P 91 Leviticus 7:17 Burn any sacrifice left over on third day.



P 92 Numbers 6:5 A Nazarite must not cut his hair during his separation.

P 93 Numbers 6:18 A Nazarite must burn his hair on the altar with his fellowship offering

P 94 Deuteronomy 23:24 Eat your neighbor’s grapes but do not take any with you.

P 95 Numbers 30:3 A father may annul the vows his young daughter makes.



P 96 Leviticus 11:8 Eating or touching unclean dead animals makes you unclean.

P 97 Leviticus 11:29 Eating or touching weasels, rats, & lizards makes you unclean.

P 98 Leviticus 11:34 Liquid from carcasses of unclean creatures makes you unclean.

P 99 Leviticus 15:19 Laws re. ceremonial uncleanness of a menstruating woman.

P 100 Leviticus 12:2 Laws re. ceremonial uncleanness of a woman after childbirth

P 101 Leviticus 13:3 Laws re. uncleanness of lepers

P 102 Leviticus 13:51 Laws re. contaminated garments

P 103 Leviticus 14:44 Laws re. a contaminated house

P 104 Leviticus 15:2 A man with a running discharge is unclean.

P 105 Leviticus 15:6 Touching the discharge of a man makes one unclean.

P 106 Leviticus 15:19 Touching a menstruating woman makes one unclean.

P 107 Numbers 19:14 Touching a human corpse or being with it makes one unclean.

P 108 Numbers 19:13 Not purifying after uncleanness makes one unclean.

P 109 Leviticus 15:16 Not immersing in a bath after impurity makes one unclean.

P 110 Leviticus 14:2 Laws for cleansing from skin diseases

P 111 Leviticus 14:9 Shaving one’s head is part of cleansing from skin diseases.

P 112 Leviticus 13:45 Laws re. giving warnings of infectious skin

P 113 Numbers 19:2-9 Laws re. the cleansing ashes of the red heifer



P 114 Leviticus 27:2-8 Laws for valuing oneself to the Temple

P 115 Leviticus 27:11 Laws for valuing an unclean creation to the Temple

P 116 Leviticus 27:14 Laws for valuing a house to the Temple

P 117 Leviticus 27:16 Laws for valuing a field for donating to the Temple

P 118 Leviticus 5:16 Laws for valuing donated land if donor benefits from it

P 119 Leviticus 19:24 Laws for giving the fruit of trees in the 4th year of growth

P 120 Leviticus 19:9 You must leave edges of your field for the poor.

P 121 Leviticus 19:9 You must leave the gleanings of your field for the poor.

P 122 Deuteronomy 24:19 You must leave an overlooked sheaf for the poor.

P 123 Leviticus 19:19 Do not plant with 2 kinds of seed or mate 2 kinds of animals.

P 124 Leviticus 19:10 You must leave fallen grapes for the poor. 

P 125 Exodus 23:19 You must bring your first fruits to the Tabernacle.

P 126 Deuteronomy 18:4 Give your first fruits to the priests.

P 127 Leviticus 27:30; Give a tithe of all your crops & fruit to Yahweh.

P 128 Deuteronomy 14:22 Store the 2nd tithe & eat it at the sanctuary.

P 129 Numbers 18:26 Levites must give a tithe of their tithe to the High Priest.

P 130 Deuteronomy 14:28 Store a tithe in the 3rd year for the poor in the towns.

P 131 Deuteronomy 26:13 Confess to Yahweh that you gave to the poor.

P 132 Deuteronomy 26:5 Confess that God provided for you abundantly.

P 133 Numbers 15:20 Give the 1st portion in the promised land to the LORD.



P134 Exodus 23:11 Do not plant or harvest in the Sabbath year.

P135 Leviticus 25:4 Rest on the Sabbath year.

P136 Leviticus 25:10 Consecrate the 50th year as the Jubilee.

P137 Leviticus 25:9 Sound trumpets & free slaves on Yom Kippur & Jubilee

P138 Leviticus 25:24 Never sell the land; but redeem it.

P139 Leviticus 25:24 Law for redeeming property

P140 Leviticus 25:8 Law for counting years until the Jubilee year

P141 Deuteronomy 15:3 Law for cancelling debts in the Sabbath year

P142 Deuteronomy 15:3 Demand payment from a foreigner but not from a brother.



P143 Deuteronomy 18:3 Law of the priests’ portion from bull or sheep

P144 Deuteronomy 18:4 Law of the priests’ portion of fleece

P145 Leviticus 27:21, Law of the devoted field released in the Jubilee

P146 Deuteronomy 12:21 Law of owners’ rights to eat slaughtered food

P147 Leviticus 17:13 Drain & cover the blood of slain bird or beast.

P148 Deuteronomy 22:7 Take the young bird but set the mother free.

P149 Leviticus 11:2 Eat only lawful animals for food.

P150 Deuteronomy 14:11 Eat only designated birds for food.

P151 Leviticus 11:21 Eat only lawful grasshoppers & locusts.

P152 Leviticus 11:9 Eat only ceremonially clean fish



P153 Deuteronomy 16:1 Celebrate the Passover in the month Abib

P154 Exodus 23:12 Rest on the Sabbath.

P155 Exodus 20:8 Keep the Sabbath holy.

P156 Exodus 12:15 Eat no yeast for 7 days in the month of Abib.

P157 Exodus 13:8 Tell your sons of your gratitude to God for deliverance from Egypt.

P158 Exodus 12:18 Eat no yeast from 14th to 21st day of Abib.

P159 Exodus 12:16 Rest on the first day of the festival.

P160 Exodus 12:16 Rest on the 7th day of the festival.

P161 Leviticus 23:35 Begin the Feast of Tabernacles on the 15th day of 7th month.

P162 Leviticus 23: 15 Celebrate, after 7 weeks, the giving of the Law per the Jews.

P163 Leviticus 23:24 Rest on the feast of Trumpets.

P164 Leviticus 16:29 Fast on the 10th day of the 7th month, the Day of Atonement.

P165 Leviticus 16:29 Rest on the Day of Atonement.

P166 Leviticus 23:35 Rest on the first day of Feast of Tabernacles 7th month 15th day.

P167 Leviticus 23:36 Rest on 8th day of Tabernacles & offer to Yahweh on 15th day.

P168 Leviticus 23:42 Dwell in booths during Tabernacles.

P169 Leviticus 23:40 Wave palm, willow, myrtle, & etrog (citron) before Yahweh.

P170 Numbers 29:1 Rest when hearing the Trumpets on Feast of Trumpets.



P171 Exodus 30:12 Each male must give ½ shekel to the Temple each year.

P172 Deuteronomy 18:15 You must listen to the Prophet (Jesus Christ).

P173 Deuteronomy 17:15 Only appoint a king from among your brothers. 

P174 Deuteronomy 17:11 Act on the Law & decisions the priests give you.

P175 Exodus 23:2 Do not follow the crowd when judging a matter. Note: Maimonides says the opposite.

P176 Deuteronomy 16:18 You must appoint judges & officers in every town.

P177 Leviticus 19:15 Do not show partiality or favoritism.

P178 Leviticus 5:1 Do not withhold exculpatory evidence. 

P179 Deuteronomy 13:15 Destroy a town if it is proved that idolatry persists in it.

P180 Deuteronomy 19:19 Do to a false witness as he intended to be upon the accused.

P180 Deuteronomy 19:19 Condemn False witnesses and purge this evil.

P181 Deuteronomy 21:4 Atone for the people when a murder is unpunished. 

P182 Deuteronomy 19:3 Set Cities of Refuge to hold unintentional killers before trial.

P183 Numbers 35:2 Give towns & pasture lands to Levites. 

P184 Deuteronomy 22:8 Make a railing on your flat roof. 



P185 Deuteronomy 12:2 Destroy idolatry and all its equipment.

P186 Deuteronomy 13:17 Rid your towns of idolatry & idolatrous things.

P187 Deuteronomy 20:17 Destroy the Canaanite tribes.

P188 Deuteronomy 25:19 Destroy the descendants of Amalek. Do not forget!

P189 Deuteronomy 25:17 Remember what the Amalekites did to you.



P190 Deuteronomy 20:11 Subject people to forced labor if they surrender.

P191 Deuteronomy 20:2 Do not fear superior forces.

P192 Deuteronomy 23:14 Keep your camp holy because God is with you.

P193 Deuteronomy 23:15 Do not hand a runaway slave over to his master.



P194 Exodus 22:1 A robber must repay 5 oxen for 1 that he steals

P195 Deuteronomy 15:8 Be open-handed toward the poor.

P196 Deuteronomy 15:14 Give gifts to Hebrew slave gifts upon his 7th year emancipation.

P197 Exodus 22:24 Be kind to widows & orphans or I will kill you.

P198 Deuteronomy 23:21 Pay your vow to Yahweh your God promptly.

P199 Deuteronomy 24:13; Exodus 22:25 Restore a pledge to a needy man.

P200 Deuteronomy 24:15 Pay your worker promptly.

P201 Deuteronomy 23:25 Do not cut a neighbor’s grain but eat some in your hands.

P202 Exodus 23:5 Unload someone’s fallen donkey if he has fallen under his load.

P203 Deuteronomy 22:4 Help a donkey’s owner with his load if he has fallen under it.

P204 Deuteronomy 22:1 Restore a brother’s stray ox or sheep to him.

P205 Leviticus 19:17 Do not hate your brother but reprove him for his sins. 

P206 Leviticus 19:18 Do not bear a grudge but love your neighbor as yourself.

P207 Deuteronomy 10:19 Love those who are not Jews.

P208 Leviticus 19:36 Use honest scales and honest weights.



P209 Leviticus 19:32 Respect the elderly.

P210 Exodus 20:12 Honor your father and mother.

P211 Leviticus 19:3 Respect your father and mother.

P212 Genesis 1:28 Be fruitful and multiply. 

P213 Deuteronomy 24:1 Do not remarry your divorced wife if she remarries.

P214 Deuteronomy 24:5 Do not go to war if recently married.

P215 Leviticus 12:3 Circumcise your newborn son on the 8th day.

P216 Deuteronomy 25:5 Marry your brother’s widow.

P217 Deuteronomy 25:9 Insult the man who refuses to be a kinsman redeemer.

P218 Deuteronomy 22:29 A virgin’s rapist must marry her & never divorce her.

P219 Deuteronomy 22:18 A virgin’s defaming husband must never divorce her.

P220 Exodus 22:16 A virgin’s seducer must pay the bride price and marry her.

P221 Deuteronomy 21:11 You may marry a captive woman after a month.

P222 Deuteronomy 24:1 Give a bill of divorcement when divorcing.

P223 Numbers 5:15 Test a suspected adulteress.



P224 Deuteronomy 25:2 Flog a guilty man appropriately.

P225 Numbers 35:25 Exile a subject to a city of refuge for manslaughter.

P226 Exodus 21:20 Punish a man who murders his slave. 

P227 Exodus 21:16 Execute a kidnapper. 

P228 Leviticus 20:14 Burn a man who marries both a woman and her mother.

P229 Deuteronomy 22:24 Stone a man & a pledged virgin who willfully copulate. 

P230 Deuteronomy 21:22 Do not leave a capital criminal on a tree overnight.

P231 Bury an executed man on the day of execution.



P232 Exodus 21:2 Free a Hebrew slave in the 7th year of bondage.

P233 Exodus 21:8 Sell a Hebrew bondmaid no more than once. 

P234 Exodus 21:8 Permit redemption of the Hebrew bondmaid. 

P235 Leviticus 25:46 Buy only foreign or sojourning slaves.



P236 Exodus 21:18 A man causing an injury must compensate the victim.

P237 Exodus 21:28 Stone a bull to death if he kills a man.

P238 Exodus 21:33 Charge a man who leaves a pit if one’s animal falls in it.

P239 Exodus 22:1 Charge a thief 5 oxen for 1 that he steals if he kills or sells it.

P240 Exodus 22:5 Pay back the grain that your straying beast eats.

P241 Exodus 22:6 Negligent fire builders must pay for fire damage.

P242 Exodus 22:7 Judges must decide if a guardian of goods is guilty. 

P243 Exodus 22:10 Oaths before Yahweh must decide if a guardian of animals is guilty.

P244 Exodus 22:14 The borrower must pay for beast injuries if the owner is not present.

P245 Leviticus 25:14 Buy and sell land based on the law of the Jubilee year.

P246 Exodus 22:9 Judges must decide disputed possession issues.

P247 Deuteronomy 25:12 Sever the hand of a testicle grabbing wife rescuing her husband.

P248 Numbers 27:8 Award the inheritance to a daughter if the dead man has no son.


The 365 Negative Commandments (The Do Not’s)


N 1 Exodus 20:3 Do not have any god before Me.

N 2 Exodus 20:4 Do not make any image of God to worship Him.

N 3 Leviticus 19:4 Do not make an idol for worshiping any god.

N 4 Exodus 20:4 Do not make figures of human beings for idolatrous purposes.

N 5 Exodus 20:5 Do not bow down to an idol.

N 6 Exodus 20:5 Do not worship idols.

N 7 Leviticus 18:21 Do not give any of your children to Molech

N 8 Leviticus 19:31 Do not turn to mediums.

N 9 Leviticus 19:31 Do not seek out spiritists.

N 10 Leviticus 19:4 Do not turn to idols or make gods of cast metal.

N 11 Deuteronomy 16:22 Do not erect a sacred stone.

N 12 Leviticus 26:1 Do not make a carved stone for use in idolatry.

N 13 Deuteronomy 16:21 Do not set up any Asherah Pole beside Yahweh’s altar.

N 14 Exodus 23:13 Do not call on false gods.

N 15 Exodus 23:13 Do not let others hear you invoking the name of a false god.

N 16 Deuteronomy 13:12 Investigate it thoroughly if a town is accused of idolatry.

N 17 Deuteronomy 13:9 Put Jewish brother enticers to death.

N 18 Deuteronomy 13:9 Be the first in putting Jewish enticers to death.

N 19 Deuteronomy 13:9 Do not spare the life of an enticer to idols.

N 20 Deuteronomy 13:9 Do not lobby for mercy for the leader to idols.

N 21 Deuteronomy 13:9 Do not oppress the evidence against a leader to idols.

N 22 Deuteronomy 7:25 Do not keep the gold that is on an idol.

N 23 Deuteronomy 13:17 Destroy an idol city with its people & livestock & do not rebuild it.

N 24 Deuteronomy 13:18 Burn all the plunder of an idolatrous city when you destroy it.

N 25 Deuteronomy 7:26 Do not use anything that is part of idolatry. 

N 26 Deuteronomy 18:20 Do not prophesy in the name of idols.

N 27 Deuteronomy 18:20 Do not prophesy falsely in the name of God. 

N 28 Deuteronomy 13:3,4 Do not listen to one who prophesies in idols’ names.

N 29 Deuteronomy 18:22 Do not fear a presumptuous prophet.

N 30 Leviticus 20:23 Do not live by the customs of the people you evict.

N 31 Deuteronomy 18:10 Do not practice divination.

N 32 Deuteronomy 18:10 Do not practice soothsaying. 

N 33 Deuteronomy 18:10 Do not practice enchanting. 

N 34 Deuteronomy 18:10 Do not practice sorcery. 

N 35 Deuteronomy 18:10 Do not practice the art of the charmer.

N 36 Deuteronomy 18:10 Do not speak to the dead through a medium.

N 37 Deuteronomy 18:10 Do not consult a sorcerer who uses “one who knows.”

N 38 Deuteronomy 18:10 Do not seek information from dead people.

N 39 Deuteronomy 22:5 Women must not wear men’s clothes or adornments.

N 40 Deuteronomy 22:5 Men must not wear women’s clothes or adornments. 

N 41 Leviticus 19:28 Do not tattoo yourself like idol worshipers.

N 42 Deuteronomy 22:11 Do not wear clothes of wool & linen woven together.

N 43 Leviticus 19:27 Do not shave off the sides of your head  

N 44 Leviticus 19:27 Do not cut off your beard.

N 45 Leviticus 19:28 Do not cut your flesh over the dead.



N 46 Deuteronomy 17:16 Do not return to Egypt to get more horses.

N 47 Numbers 15:39 Put tassels on your clothes to distract you from sin.

N 48 Exodus 23:32 Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong.

N 49 Deuteronomy 20:16 Do not spare the life of the Canaanite Nations.

N 50 Deuteronomy 7:2 Destroy the 7 tribes totally.

N 51 Exodus 23:33 Do not let the 7 tribes live in your land. 

N 52 Deuteronomy 7:3 Do not intermarry with the idolatrous tribes.

N 53 Deuteronomy 23:4 Do not intermarry with Ammon or Moab

N 54 Deuteronomy 23:8 Wait till the 3rd generation of Esau before welcoming them.

N 55 Deuteronomy 23:8 Wait till the 3rd generation before welcoming Egyptians.

N 56 Deuteronomy 23:7 Do not make peace with the Ammonites & Moabites. 

N 57 Deuteronomy 20:19 Do not destroy trees when besieging a city.

N 58 Deuteronomy 7:21 Do not fear the enemy during war. 

N 59 Deuteronomy 25:19 Blot out the memory of Amalek when God gives you peace.



N 60 Leviticus 24:16 Stone to death anyone who blasphemes Yahweh.

N 61 Leviticus 19:12 Do not swear falsely by God’s name.

N 62 Exodus 20:7 Be sincere & true to Yahweh and His Name.

N 63 Leviticus 22:32 Do not profane God’s holy name.

N 64 Deuteronomy 6:16 Do not put Yahweh to the test. 

N 65 Deuteronomy 12:4 Do not worship Yahweh your God in the pagans’ way.

N 66 Deuteronomy 21:23 Do not leave a gibbeted criminal on a tree overnight.



N 67 Numbers 18:5 Give God’s priests the first fruits of your grain, new wine, and oil.

N 68 Leviticus 16:2 High priest must not enter the Sanctuary unless God commands it. 

N 69 Leviticus 21:23 Priests with defects must not enter the Sanctuary.

N 70 Leviticus 21:17 A priest with a blemish must not minister in the Sanctuary. 

N 71 Leviticus 21:18 A priest with a temporary blemish must not come near God.

N 72 Numbers 18:3 The high priest is responsible to God for offenses in the Sanctuary.

N 73 Leviticus 10:9 Aaron & sons, if drinking, may not enter the Sanctuary.

N 74 Numbers 18:4 A Levite may not go near the furnishings of the Tabernacle.

N 75 Leviticus 22:2 Aaron & sons must respect the offerings made to God.

N 76 Leviticus 21:6 Unclean priests who bathed in day: Do not minister until evening. 

N 77 Numbers 5:3 Refuse entry to Temple to any unclean person.

N 78 Deuteronomy 23:11 Unclean person may not enter Temple.

N 79 Exodus 20:25 Do not make a stone altar that was touched by iron.

N 80 Exodus 20:26 Do not ascend God’s altar on steps.

N 81 Leviticus 6:12 Not to extinguish the Altar fire

N 82 Exodus 30:9 Do not offer any unspecified incense on the golden altar. 

N 83 Exodus 30:32 Make no oil the same as the anointing oil.

N 84 Exodus 30:32 Anoint only the high priest & king with the anointing oil.

N 85 Exodus 30:37 Do not make any incense the same as you make for the golden altar.

N 86 Exodus 25:15 The poles must remain in the rings of the Ark.

N 87 Exodus 28:28 Tie the rings of the breastplate to the rings of the ephod w/ blue cord.

N 88 Exodus 28:32 Make sure the collar of the robe of the ephod cannot tear.



N 89 Deuteronomy 12:13 Offer sacrifices only in designated places.

N 91 Leviticus 22:20 Do not bring a blemished animal to be offered on the altar.

N 92 Leviticus 22:22 Do not offer a blemished animal on the altar.

N 93 Leviticus 22:24 Do not offer a beast whose testicles are crushed. 

N 94 Leviticus 22:22 Do not burn a blemished beast on the altar.

N 95 Deuteronomy 17:1 Do not sacrifice a beast with any blemish.

N 96 Leviticus 22:25 Do not offer the sacrifice of a gentile to Yahweh. 

N 97 Leviticus 22:21 Do not offer a fellowship offering that is blemished. 

N 98 Leviticus 2:11 Do not offer leaven or honey on the altar. 

N 99 Leviticus 2:13 Season all grain offerings with salt. 

N100 Deuteronomy 23:18 Do not bring the earnings of a prostitute into Lord’s house.

N101 Leviticus 22:28 Do not slaughter a cow or sheep & its young on the same day.

N102 Leviticus 5:11 Do not put oil on the sin flour-offering

N103 Leviticus 5:11 Do not put frankincense on the sin flour-offering.

N104 Numbers 5:15 Offer flour without incense for a wife whether guilty or not.

N105 Numbers 5:15 Do not put incense on the jealousy offering. 

N106 Leviticus 27:10 Do not substitute a bad sacrifice for a good one. 

N107 Leviticus 27:26 Do not dedicate the firstborn since it is already Yahweh’s 

N108 Numbers 18:17 Do not redeem the firstborn of clean animals. 

N109 Leviticus 27:33 Do not sell the tithe of the herd of cattle. 

N110 Leviticus 27:28 Do not sell a devoted (by vow) field.

N111 Leviticus 27:28 Do not redeem (take the redemption price for) a devoted field.

N112 Leviticus 5:8 Do not split the head of the sin-offering bird from the body.

N113 Deuteronomy 15:19 Do no work with a firstborn (dedicated) beast. 

N114 Deuteronomy 15:19 Do not shear a firstborn (dedicated) beast. 

N115 Exodus 34:25 Do not offer the Passover lamb with leaven. 

N116 Exodus 34:25 Do not leave portions of Passover lamb overnight.

N117 Exodus 12:10 Burn any remnants of Passover lamb that night. 

N118 Leviticus 19:6 Do not eat the fellowship offering on the 3rd day.

N119 Numbers 9:6, 12 Do not let any of the meat of the 2nd lamb remain until morning. 

N120 Leviticus 22:30 Do not let the meat of a thank offering remain until morning. 

N121 Exodus 12:46 Do not break any bones of the Passover lamb.

N122 Numbers 9:12 Do not break any bones of the 2nd Passover lamb. 

N123 Exodus 12:46 Do not take the Passover lamb from where it was eaten. 

N124 Leviticus 6:16 Do not bake the residue of a meal offering with leaven.

N125 Exodus 12:9 Do not eat the Passover offering raw or cooked in water.

N126 Exodus 12:45 Do not allow an alien resident to eat the Passover offering. 

N127 Exodus 12:48 An uncircumcised person may not eat the Passover offering.

N128 Exodus 12:43 Do not allow a foreigner to eat the Passover offering. 

N129 Leviticus 12:4 An unclean person may not eat holy things.

N130 Leviticus 7:19 Do not eat food that has become unclean.

N131 Leviticus 19:6 Do not eat sacrificial meat beyond the 3rd day.

N132 Leviticus 7:18 Do not eat the fellowship offering on the 3rd day.

N133 Leviticus 22:10 Only a priest & family may eat the sacred offering. 

N134 Leviticus 22:10 A priest’s guest or a hired worker may not eat the sacred offering.

N135 Leviticus 22:10 An uncircumcised person may not eat the sacred offering.

N136 Leviticus 22:4 An unclean priest may not eat the sacred offering.

N137 Leviticus 22:12 A priest’s daughter, if married to a non-priest not to eat holy food.

N138 Leviticus 6:16 Only Aaron & sons may eat the High Priest’s meal offering.

N139 Leviticus 6:23 Burn a priest’s grain offering & do not eat it. 

N140 Deuteronomy 14:3 Do not eat any detestable thing.

N141 Deuteronomy 12:17 Do not eat anything dedicated to Yahweh

N142 Deuteronomy 12:17 Do not eat any tithe dedicated to Yahweh.  

N143 Deuteronomy 12:17 Consume redeemed 2nd oil tithe outside Jerusalem. 

N144 Deuteronomy 12:17 Do not eat an unblemished firstling outside Jerusalem. 

N145 Deuteronomy 12:17 Do not eat sin or guilt offerings outside sanctuary court. 

N146 Deuteronomy 12:17 Do not eat the meat of the burnt offering at all. 

N147 Deuteronomy 12:17 Do not eat lesser sacrifices before blood dashed on altar. 

N148 Deuteronomy 12:17 A non-priest must not eat the most holy offerings.   

N149 Exodus 29:33 Do not eat ordination foods if you are not a priest.

N150 Deuteronomy 26:14 Do not eat non-redeemed tithe while unclean. 

N151 Deuteronomy 26:14 Do not eat the sacred portion while in mourning. 

N152 Deuteronomy 26:14 Do not eat the sacred portion while unclean.

N153 Leviticus 22:15 Priests: Do not desecrate the offerings the people bring to Yahweh.

N154 Exodus 22:29 Do not hold back offerings from your granaries or your vats. 

N155 Deuteronomy 23:22 If you refrain from making a vow you will not be guilty.

N156 Exodus 23:15 Go not to Temple at pilgrim festivals without an offering. 

N157 Numbers 30:3 If a maid’s father does not correct her vows, they all stand.



N158 Leviticus 21:7 Priests may not marry a harlot.

N159 Leviticus 21:7 Priests may not marry a profane woman. 

N160 Leviticus 21:7 A priest may not marry a divorcee.

N161 Leviticus 21:14 A High Priest may not marry a widow.

N162 Leviticus 21:15 A High Priest may not take a concubine.

N163 Leviticus 10:6 A priest with unkempt hair may not enter the Sanctuary.

N164 Leviticus 10:6 A priest wearing torn clothing may not enter the Sanctuary. 

N165 Leviticus 10:7 Priests may not leave the courtyard.

N166 Leviticus 21:1 Priests, not become defiled for the dead except for close relatives.

N167 Leviticus 21:11 High priest must not be under roof with a dead person.

N168 Leviticus 21:11 High Priest must not be defiled for a dead person.

N169 Deuteronomy 18:1 Levites must live on sacrificial food.

N170 Deuteronomy 18:1 Levites must not share in the spoils of war.

N171 Deuteronomy 14:1 Do not take out your hair for the dead. 



N172 Deuteronomy 14:7 Do not eat any unclean animal.

N173 Leviticus 11:11 Do not eat any unclean fish. 

N174 Leviticus 11:13 Do not eat any unclean bird. 

N175 Deuteronomy 14:19 Do not eat any flying insect.

N176 Leviticus 11:41 Do not eat anything that creeps on the earth.

N177 Leviticus 11:44 Do not eat anything that moves on the ground. 

N178 Leviticus 11:42 Do not eat anything that whether on belly, all fours, or many feet.

N179 Leviticus 11:43 Do not defile or make yourself unclean by detestable creatures.

N180 Deuteronomy 14:21 Do not eat any animal that you find already dead.

N181 Leviticus 22:8 Do not eat an animal that is torn or mauled.

N182 Leviticus 19:26 Do not eat a limb that still has blood in it.

N183 Ge.32:32 Do not eat the sinew attached to the socket of the hip.

N184 Leviticus 17:12 Do not eat blood.

N185 Leviticus 7:23 Do not eat the fat of clean animals.

N186 Exodus 23:19 Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk. 

N187 Exodus 34:26 Do not eat a young goat cooked in its mother’s milk.

N188 Exodus 21:28 Do not eat the flesh of a bull that killed a man.

N189 Leviticus 23:14 Do not eat bread until first-fruits offering is made.

N190 Leviticus 23:14 Do not eat roasted grain before first-fruits offering is made. 

N191 Leviticus 23:14 Do not eat any of a new crop before first-fruits offering is made.

N192 Leviticus 19:23 Do not eat forbidden fruit.

N193 Deuteronomy 22:9 Do not plant two kinds of seed in your vineyard. 

N194 Deuteronomy 32:38 Do not offer wine to idols.

N195 Deuteronomy 21:20 Do not eat or drink to excess. 

N196 Leviticus 23:29 Deny yourself food on the Day of Atonement.

N197 Exodus 13:3 Do not eat leaven on Passover.

N198 Exodus 13:7 Get rid of all yeast & do not eat it for 7 days after Passover.  

N199 Deuteronomy 16:3 Do not eat leaven on the 14th of Nisan.  

N200 Exodus13:7 Rid all leaven from your home during Passover. 

N201 Exodus 12:19 Do not possess leaven during Passover. 



N202 Numbers 6:3 A Nazirite may not drink wine or any beverage from grapes. 

N203 Numbers 6:3 A Nazirite may not drink fresh grapes.

N204 Numbers 6:3 A Nazirite may not eat raisins. 

N205 Numbers 6:4 A Nazirite may not eat grape seeds.

N206 Numbers 6:4 A Nazirite may not eat grape husks.

N207 Numbers 6:7 A Nazirite may not allow himself to be unclean for the dead. 

N208 Leviticus 21:11 A Nazirite must not become defiled.

N209 Numbers 6:5 A Nazirite must not shave his hair.



N210 Leviticus 23:22 Leave the prescribed parts of your field for the poor. 

N211 Leviticus 19:9 Do not gather grain that fell during harvesting. 

N212 Leviticus 19:10 Leave fallen grapes for the poor & the foreigner.

N213 Leviticus 19:10 Leave single fallen grapes during the harvest. 

N214 Deuteronomy 24:19 Do not return for a for a forgotten sheaf. 

N215 Do not mix distinct kinds of animals, seed, or clothing. 

N216 Deuteronomy 22:9 Do not sow 2 kinds of seed in your vineyard.

N217 Leviticus 19:19 Do not mate 2 kinds of animal species. 

N218 Deuteronomy 22:10 Do not plow an ox and a donkey yoked together.

N219 Deuteronomy 25:4 Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain.

N220 Leviticus 25:4 Do not plant in the 7th year.

N221 Leviticus 25:4 Do not prune your vineyards in the 7th year. 

N222 Leviticus 25:5 Do not harvest crops that grow on their own in the 7th year.

N223 Leviticus 25:5 Do not reap untended vine fruit in the 7th year.

N224 Leviticus 25:11 Not to till the earth or prune trees in Jubilee year

N225 Leviticus 25:11 Do not reap what grows of itself in the Jubilee year.

N226 Leviticus 25:11 Do not gather grapes in the Jubilee year. 

N227 Leviticus 25:23 Do not sell your land permanently. 

N228 Leviticus 25:33 Return the land of Levites in the Jubilee. 

N229 Deuteronomy 12:19 Support the Levites if you live in the land. 



N230 Deuteronomy 15:2 Cancel an Israelite’s debt after the 7th year. 

N231 Deuteronomy 15:9 Do not refuse to loan because the 7th year is near. 

N232 Deuteronomy 15:7 Do not be tightfisted toward the poor. 

N233 Deuteronomy 15:13 When you free your Hebrew slave after 7 years, give him money.

N234 Exodus 22:24 Do not mistreat a widow or orphan or I will kill you.

N235 Leviticus 25:37 Do not charge interest or make a profit on an Israelite.

N236 Deuteronomy 23:20 Charge a foreigner interest but not an Israelite.

N237 Exodus 22:24 Treat widows/orphans as you want your family to be treated. 

N238 Leviticus 19:13 Do not hold back the wages of your worker overnight.

N239 Deuteronomy 24:10 Do not take a security deposit back by force.

N240 Deuteronomy 24:12 Do not keep the poor’s security deposit when he needs it

N241 Deuteronomy 24:17 Do not take a security deposit from a widow. 

N242 Deuteronomy 24:6 Do not take a person’s tools as a security deposit. 

N243 Exodus 20:13 Do not murder.

N244 Exodus 20:15 Do not steal. 

N245 Leviticus 19:13 Do not defraud or rob your neighbor.

N246 Deuteronomy 19:14 Do not move your neighbor’s land marker. 

N247 Leviticus 19:13 Do not defraud your neighbor. 

N248 Leviticus 19:11 Do not lie and deceive one another.

N249 Leviticus 19:11 Do not swear falsely about another man’s property.

N250 Leviticus 25:14 Do not take advantage of neighbor when buying or selling land. 

N251 Leviticus 25:17 Do not mislead another but fear God. 

N252 Exodus 22:20 Whoever sacrifices to a God other than Yahweh must be destroyed.

N253 Exodus 22:20 Do not exploit a foreign resident.

N254 Deuteronomy 23:16 Do not hand over a slave who has fled to Israel. 

N255 Deuteronomy 23:17 An Israelite person must not become a shrine prostitute.

N256 Exodus 22:21 Do not oppress a foreigner. 

N257 Leviticus 25:39 Do not allow a Hebrew bondman to work as a slave.

N258 Leviticus 25:42 Not selling a Hebrew bondman

N259 Leviticus 25:43 Israelites must not be sold as slaves.

N260 Leviticus 25:53 Do not allow a foreigner to mistreat an Israelite slave.

N261 Exodus 21:8 Do not sell a Hebrew maidservant.

N262 Exodus 21:10 Do not deprive a first wife of her food if you marry another.

N263 Deuteronomy 21:14 Let a captive woman you marry go free if not pleased with her.

N264 Deuteronomy 21:14 Do not treat a captive woman as a slave. 

N265 Exodus 20:17 Do not covet anything that belongs to another man.

N266 Deuteronomy 5:21 Do not desire another person’s possessions.

N267 Deuteronomy 23:25 Do not use a sickle in a field that you visit.

N268 Deuteronomy 23:24 Do not take any of the fruit you pick when visiting. 

N269 Deuteronomy 22:3 Do not ignore a stray animal but keep it for your neighbor.

N270 Exodus 23:5 Do not refuse to help an enemy’s beast collapsing with a burden.

N271 Leviticus 19:35 Do not cheat with weights & measures.

N272 Deuteronomy 25:13 Do not possess false weights & measures.



N273 Leviticus 19:15 Do not judge your neighbor crookedly.

N274 Exodus 23:8 Do not accept a bribe. 

N275 Leviticus 19:15 Do not show partiality to a litigant. 

N276 Deuteronomy 1:17 Do not fear a threatening person when judging.

N277 Leviticus 19:15 Do not show partiality or favoritism. 

N278 Exodus 23:6 Do not deny justice to the poor.

N279 Deuteronomy 19:13 Do not pity a person who murdered.

N280 Deuteronomy 24:17 Do not pervert justice due to strangers or orphans. 

N281 Exodus 23:1 Do not help the wicked by being a malicious witness.

N282 Exodus 23:2 Do not pervert justice by siding with a mob.

N283 Exodus 23:2 Do not accept another’s opinion unless it is right. 

N284 Deuteronomy 1:17 Bring any case you do not understand to God.

N285 Exodus 20:16 Do not bring false witness against your neighbor.

N286 Exodus 23:1 Do not receive the testimony of a wicked man.

N287 Deuteronomy 24:16 Neither fathers nor children must die for crimes of the other. 

N288 Deuteronomy 19:15 Do not decide a case on the testimony of only one witness. 

N289 Exodus 20:13 Do not commit murder.

N290 Exodus 23:7 Do not put an innocent person to death.

N291 Numbers 35:30 Do not execute a murderer without two witnesses. 

N292 Numbers 35:12 Do not execute a murderer without trial & conviction. 

N293 Deuteronomy 25:12 Do not pity those convicted of an heinous crime.

N294 Deuteronomy 22:26 Do not punish a girl who is raped. 

N295 Numbers 35:31 Do not accept a ransom for a murderer. 

N296 Numbers 35:32 Do not accept a ransom for one who has fled to a city of refuge.

N297 Leviticus 19:16 Do not endanger your neighbor’s life.

N298 Deuteronomy 22:8 Do not leave hazards on your house or property.

N299 Leviticus 19:14 Do not move your neighbor’s boundary marker.

N300 Deuteronomy 25:2-3 Acquit the innocent and condemn the guilty. 

N301 Leviticus 19:16 Do not spread slander.

N302 Leviticus 19:17 Do not hate your brother.

N303 Leviticus 19:17 Rebuke your neighbor sharply so you will not share in his guilt. 

N304 Leviticus 19:18 Do not take vengeance upon an Israelite.

N305 Leviticus 19:18 Do not bear a grudge against one of your people. 

N306 Deuteronomy 22:6 Do not take the mother bird with the young or eggs. 

N307 Leviticus 13:33 Do not shave a leprous area. 

N308 Deuteronomy 24:8 Do not go beyond God’s word regarding leprosy. 

N309 Deuteronomy 21:4 Atone for a valley in which a dead body was found. 

N310 Exodus 22:18 Do not permit a witch to live. 

N311 Deuteronomy 24:5 Do not send a bridegroom to war for one year after marriage. 

N312 Deuteronomy 17:11 Do not disobey what the judge tells you. 

N313 Deuteronomy 13:1 Do not let signs & wonders sway you from obeying God’s law.

N314 Deuteronomy 13:1 Do not let signs & wonders detract from God’s law. 

N315 Exodus 22:28 Do not curse a judge. 

N316 Exodus 22:28 Do not curse a ruler of your people. 

N317 Leviticus 19:14 Not to curse the deaf.

N318 Exodus 21:17 Put one who curses father or mother to death.

N319 Exodus 21:15 Put to death anyone who attacks his father or mother. 

N320 Exodus 20:10 Do no work on the Sabbath Day.

N321 Exodus 16:29 Do not walk far on the Sabbath. 

N322 Exodus 35:3 Do not light a fire in your dwelling on the Sabbath. 

N323 Exodus 12:16 Do no work on the first day of Passover. 

N324 Exodus 12:16 Do no work on the seventh day of Passover

N325 Leviticus 23:21 Do not work on Pentecost.

N326 Leviticus 23:25 Do not work on the 1st day of the 7th month. 

N327 Leviticus 23:35 Do not work on the 15th day of the 7th month. 

N328 Leviticus 23:36 Do not work on the 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles. 

N329 Leviticus 23:28 Do not work on the Day of Atonement 10th day 7th month.



N330 Leviticus 18:7 Do not have sex with your mother. 

N331 Leviticus 18:8 Do not have sex with your father’s wife. 

N332 Leviticus 18:9 Do not have sex with your sister. 

N333 Leviticus 18:11 Do not have sex with your stepsister. 

N334 Leviticus 18:10 Do not have sex with your son’s daughter. 

N335 Leviticus 18:10 Do not have sex with your daughter’s daughter. 

N336 Leviticus 18:10 Do not have sex with your daughter. 

N337 Leviticus 18:17 Do not have sex with a woman & her daughter. 

N338 Leviticus 18:17 Do not have sex with a woman & her son’s daughter. 

N339 Leviticus 18:17 Do not have sex with a woman and her daughter’s daughter. 

N340 Leviticus 18:12 Do not have sex with your father’s sister. 

N341 Leviticus 18:13 Do not have sex with your mother’s sister. 

N342 Leviticus 18:14 Do not have sex with the wife of your father’s brother. 

N343 Leviticus 18:15 Do not have sex with your son’s wife. 

N344 Leviticus 18:16 Do not have sex with your brother’s wife. 

N345 Leviticus 18:18 Do not have sex with your wife’s sister during your wife’s life.

N346 Leviticus 18:19 Do not have sex with a menstruant woman. 

N347 Leviticus 18:20 Do not have sex with another man’s wife. 

N348 Leviticus 18:23 Men: Do not have sex with a beast. 

N349 Leviticus 18:23 Women: Do not have sex with beasts. 

N350 Leviticus 18:22 Men: Do not have sex with another man. 

N351 Leviticus 18:7 Men: Do not have sex with your mother.

N352 Leviticus 18:14 Men: Do not have sex with your father’s brother. 

N353 Leviticus 18:6 Men: Do not have sex with a close relative.  

N354 Deuteronomy 23:3 Do not admit an Ammonite or Moabite to the assembly. 

N355 Deuteronomy 23:18 Do not pay your vow with the earnings of a prostitute. 

N356 Deuteronomy 24:4 Do not remarry your divorced wife after she remarries. 

N357 Deuteronomy 25:5 Childless widow: Do not marry except late husband’s brother. 

N358 Deuteronomy 22:29 Do not divorce a forced marriage wife due to rape. 

N359 Deuteronomy 22:19 Do not divorce your wife after falsely slandering her. 

N360 Deuteronomy 23:2 Eunuch: Do not marry a Jewess. 

N361 Leviticus 22:24 Do not offer to God an animal with defective testicles.



N362 Deuteronomy 17:15 Do not have a king who is not a descendant of Israel.

N363 Deuteronomy 17:16 Kings: Do not have an excess number of horses. 

N364 Deuteronomy 17:17 Kings: Do not take many wives. 

N365 Deuteronomy 17:17 Kings: Do not have enormous amounts of wealth. 


It is important to know the following truths about the 613 Laws of Moses.

1.      The Law of Moses is not only a list of 613 Laws. It is also a covenant which God established with the Nation of Israel. Everyone in the world is responsible for every law in the list. During the study of the Sermon on the Mount, I will explain how to obey each commandment.

2.     A covenant is an agreement between two parties. For example, marriage vows are a covenant. Each of the two covenant parties makes promises and vows to keep them. The Law of Moses is similar. God promises to bless those who obey the Law, and He promises to curse those who do not. 

3.     As a covenant the Law of Moses is called the Old Covenant, or the Old Testament. That is why the Bible has the Old Testament in it. And all the Scripture references above are part of the Old Covenant.

4.    When God enjoined the Old Covenant to Israel, He told them that He would bless them if they obeyed it and curse them if they do not obey it.

5.     Galatians 3:10 says that if we trust God to bless us and think that He will bless us if we do the works of the Law of Moses, He will curse us. Here is Galatians 3:10: “All who rely on works of the law are under a curse. For it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.”

6.     Galatians 3:10 is an explanation of what God said in Numbers 18:5: “Keep My statutes and My judgments, for the man who does these things will live by them. I am the LORD.” It is wrong to think that one can be right with God by keeping the statutes and judgments of the Law of Moses. One cannot gain eternal life by keeping it.

7.     In the larger context of Galatians 3, God explains. Here is His explanation: “All who rely on works of the law are under a curse. For it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.” 11Now it is clear that no one is justified before God by the law, because, “The righteous will live by faith.”12The law, however, is not based on faith; on the contrary, “The man who does these things will live by them (Galatians 3:10-12).

8.    So, it is impossible for God to forgive us of our sins if we try to get forgiveness by doing better, while we depend upon ourselves to do it. But if we depend upon God to change our lives and take away our guilt, He will do it. By sinning even one time against God (and we all have done this), we come under His curse rather than His blessing. If we want God to justify us, we must turn away from our sin and we must turn to Christ Jesus, the Savior of the world. To be just before God we must trust the Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross. He died instead of us to pay the penalty and take the curse for us as our substitute.

9.     The Law of Moses will make all honest people ask God for mercy. And, when we do that in faith, believing and trusting God to do it, He justifies us.

10.  By trusting Him, we change covenants from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant. What happens is that God writes His law on our hearts instead of upon tablets of stone. He gives us the desire to obey His law. And by faith we know Him

11.    The problem with the Old Covenant was that it did not change the spiritual nature of a person. So, the person who covenanted with God to obey His law never could keep his side of the bargain. The sin in his heart kept him from obeying God.

12.   Romans 8:1-4 says, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.2For in Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set you free from the law of sin and death. 3For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful man, as an offering for sin. He thus condemned sin in the flesh, 4so that the righteous standard of the law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

13.   So, God delivers us from the condemnation of the law and gives us eternal life by faith in His promise to do it. It is not by keeping the Law. We are now ready for our study of the Sermon on the mount.


The Sermon on the Mount


#2 Jesus Says His Kingdom Fulfills Daniel’s Kingdom Promise